
Councils have introduced electric eQuads equipped with specially designed cargo compartments to collect recyclables or smaller waste items from designated collection points in the city.
Electric Cargo Bike


The council strategically plans routes for the Fernhay eQuads, targeting areas where traditional waste collection vehicles face challenges accessing due to narrow streets or traffic congestion.


Trained personnel use the cargo bikes to collect recyclable materials or smaller waste items. The bikes are equipped with secure and designated compartments to store and transport these materials.

Eco-Friendly Operation

The use of Fernhay eQuads significantly reduces carbon emissions associated with waste collection in the city. It also aligns with the council's sustainability goals by promoting eco-friendly transportation methods.

Improved Accessibility

These bikes easily maneuver through pedestrian zones, bike lanes, and areas with restricted vehicle access, enabling efficient collection without causing disruption to residents or businesses.


The council effectively utilises Fernhay eQuads to streamline waste collection operations, optimising efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing the overall cleanliness of the urban area.


Reduced Congestion

By using Fernhay eQuads for waste collection, the council minimizes traffic congestion in urban areas during collection hours.

eCargo Bike

Cost Savings

The operation incurs lower maintenance and fuel costs compared to traditional waste collection vehicles, contributing to overall cost savings for the council.


Enhanced Sustainability

The council's adoption of Fernhay eQuads demonstrates a commitment to sustainability, fostering community engagement and encouraging residents to participate in eco-friendly waste management practices.